THE GG-1 LOCOMOTIVE WAS DESIGNED BY THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD in the 1930s, and later modified by industrial designer Raymond Loewy. 139 units were constructed between 1934 and 1943. The first unit to be built was easy to identify. Instead of a smooth side, it had rivets clearly visible on the exterior. You can see that engine today at The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania. The motors were assembled by the Pennsylvania Railroad, Baldwin and General Electric with components supplied by Westinghouse. They were one of the first engines to use cab signals. I was lucky enough to run the GGs as a locomotive engineer before they were retired.
...The best demonstration of the durability of the engine was in 1953. An angle cock had closed behind GG-1 4876 as it headed towards Washington's Union Station. This prevented the engineer from being able to stop the train with the air brakes. It crashed into the main waiting area. The 477,000 pound engine then plunged through the floor into the basement. The mess was covered up in time for the inauguration of President Eisenhower. The twenty year-old engine was then cut into three pieces and transported to Altoona, Pennsylvania. In Altoona, they put the engine back together! It went on to provide another 30 years of service. Now, that's durability.
...The GG-1 rarely broke down as there were few things that could go wrong. A main circuit breaker would trip when excessive power was used. It was simple to reset. There were two water tanks located on either end of the engine. Steam generators provided heat to the train. When the water tank near the steam generator ran low, the fireman had to transfer water from the other tank. To do this, you had to use steam to create a vacuum that would draw the water. Too much steam, or too little, would negate the siphon. The only way to tell if water was being transferred was to feel the pipe on the other side of the steam valve. When it became cool, you knew that the water was filling the pipe.
...You can still get a look at a mothballed GG-1. There is one located near Hoboken Terminal in New Jersey and there are two and the Strasburg Railroad Museum. Since the motors were built to run on 25 cycle power, it is unlikely that you will ever see one restored to service. This would require a near-total replacement of the old electric components. ...While the GG-1 gave over half a century of fine service, General Electric has made a successful return to the passenger locomotive market. I am writing this story as I travel (as a passenger) at 110 mph en route to Albany being pulled by a Genesis Series 2 locomotive. The Genesis II is a dual mode engine that operates on both third rail and diesel. Will it be as successful as a GG-1? Ask me in fifty years!
Click on the photo to get a better look.
...I worked as a trainer of locomotive
engineers for over sixteen years
and have a BS in Management from SUNY Empire State College.
Other responsibilities I had included the operation of three locomotive simulators in
Grand Central Terminal. The simulators replicate the controls of Metro-North M4, FL9,
Genesis and
GP35 engines. An M-7 unit was added in 2004. The simulators are valuable tools in the training and certification of Metro-North,
Amtrak, CSX, Providence & Worcester and Canadian Pacific engineers. I
retired from the railroad in 2006. | Home | Photo Index |
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