
Metropark, NJ
Photos By Pierce Haviland

I was traveling to Wilmington to look at the Amtrak Training Facility. It made sense to take the Metroliner from Metropark. I brought my digital camera and found some limitations. The speed limit through the station is in excess of 100 mph, with a 90 mph speed restriction through the curves south of the station. Blink and you miss the train. The digital camera had difficulty freezing the action. Hopefully, newer cameras will have speed adjustments that will correct this.

You can click on the thumbnails to download the larger picture.

An Amtrak E60 heads south towards Philadelphia. I thought these units were retired. I was wrong.

Metropark serves both Amtrak and NJ Transit. An Amtrak AEM7 made a brief stop.

A southbound (westbound) Amtrak train roared through the station at high speed.

A rebuilt AEM7 heads towards Philadelphia.

An Acela engine is a blur passing by. The limitations of my digital camera are evident here.

NJ Transit does lots of business at Metropark. There is a 5,000 space parking garage. This express will be in NYC in 37 minutes.


Some interesting links:

Amtrak               NJ Transit

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Last updated November 10, 2010
