
The Beacon Line
Photographs by Pierce Haviland - March, 2000

How do you train locomotive engineers and not impact the 600 daily trains provided for the customers of Metro-North? You run a training train on The Beacon Line, and bring along a camera. If you get a chance to ride on an excursion on The Beacon Line, take it. The scenery is beautiful, and the ride is comfortable. This trip was made possible by the cooperation of numerous Metro-North departments. The teamwork that they demonstrated shows why Metro-North was selected by APTA for the Public Transportation System Outstanding Achievement Award in the Commuter Rail category. 

You can click on the thumbnails to download the larger picture.

At Block Limit HOPE, Pierce Haviland (far right) poses with the first new engineers of the 21st Century.

Frank Mesa (far right) poses with the first engineer class to begin in the year 2000.

On the way home from Hopewell Jct., the train paused at Whaley Lake.

Another view at Whaley Lake. Yes,  we know the marker lights and headlights are on. This was done for contrast only.

Another stop at Towners, to wait for train 3927 to go north on the Harlem Line, and to drop off the photographer.

3927 approaches Towners Road, while the Training Train pauses above. A Kodak moment, despite the poor weather.

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3927 continues north with a 54 year-old F10 (rebuilt F3). Like the Energizer Rabbit, it just keeps going and going. Excellent mechanical maintenance makes this engine the favorite of many engineers. Heading home. After the headlight was shut off, the train went east to Dykeman's, and down the Harlem Line to Brewster North.


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Last updated November 10, 2010


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